Heeeyyloooo. I am so forgetful and thats one of the reasons that i am so sorry that i have not been blogging. You see I only check my email about once every month. im a last minuter too for example, today my current event 4 is due tommorow and i have barely even started. And i have AR points (reading points) due next friday (the one after tommorow), meaning i have to read 170 pages of harry potter and a nonfiction in a little bit over a week! I had 3 months in the first place. I dont have any ar points yet!!!!! Sorry again that i have not been blogging for a few months i FORGOT. well any way i better get back to my report. Bye.
-Michaela Tate (:
P.S. Im supposed to be doing my hw right now but mom doesnt know im blogging. Bye again.